Managing a construction project is a complex process that can become a high-stakes juggling act. San Andrés Real Estate Group construction management services aim to mitigate and remove the risk from the process while saving your firm time and money.  We provide owner-focused construction management services that operates as a contractual agent with fiduciary responsibility to the private or public owner. Our approach includes:

  • Checks and balances to the decision-making process during the course of the project.

  • Positive continuity between the project design and the construction phases of the project.

  • Reduced opportunity for conflicts of interests to surface between project participants.

  • Enhanced level of owner awareness and optional owner participation in the project-delivery process.

Our service mythology and activities produce the following occurrence of events:

  • Bid costs are within approved budget

  • Owner occupancy occurs on schedule

  • Due Diligence reveals expected quality

  • Fewer contractors claims against owner

We pride ourselves in our ability to transform an idea on paper into a well-built building and project. Whether the scope is a capital improvement, facility repair, or new construction, we expertly manage each phase of your project.


Development Management


Financial Services